We at Aie use the Universal RPG Rating System to dictate what we will and will not allow. As you can see we have our personalized button to the left side under the Affiliates box, but let me explain what the letter and numbers mean for us.
Language 2 means that Swearing is generally permitted. However, the language cannot be used to severely abuse in the cbox. This also means its your responsibility to ask your rping partners how they feel about cursing in threads. If I see any abusive cursing in the cbox I will ban you. End of story so play nice.
Adult Concent 0 No sexual content, innuendo or references permitted. This fandom has the possibility of attracting younger audiences and I dont want to have this sort of thing floating around for them to see. Cutesy dating things and small romances are ok, but anything past that is not allowed.
Violence 1 Mild violence is permitted. Explicit descriptions of violence is not allowed. I really dont have to explain past that.